Publié le 29 Août 2024

A new challenger for the "New" Time Attack Class in anticipation of version 1.6 of Ams2
in addition to the "Mitsubishi Lancer SVA"

The Volkswagen IDR

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A new Challenger..........
A new Challenger..........

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Rédigé par Thunderflash

Publié le 18 Août 2024

Will you beat the lap time?

Currently being converted for AMS2 version 1.6
The "Lancer EvoVI SVA-evo"

Stay connected

Will you beat the lap time?

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Rédigé par Thunderflash

Publié le 4 Août 2024

Well guys,

First of all thank you for the comments, encouragement, thanks etc.

Ams2 V1.6 has been awaited for a long time and will probably only arrive in the 4th quarter.
So, I updated the LMP900 Mod by including the Ferrari 333SP
and added the Mercedes 300SEL AMG mod.
Additionally, I updated AllInOne mod to V4.55 (including F333 and Mercedes 300SEL)

Hoping you have a great summer and vacation.

See you soon

Mods Update........
Mods Update........

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Rédigé par Thunderflash